
Top 10 Bitcoin Documentaries You Shouldn’t Want to Miss

Bitcoin is the revolutionary invention to the financial sector, but most of us still need to acquire more knowledge about it because the only knowledge gives a deep insight about bitcoin that way we can get ahead with those who ignore this change.

The best way to get knowledge is by watching visuals and listening audio files to understand Bitcoin.

But instead of just watching and listening to some specific knowledge-based content in different platforms that lead to boredom and confusions, but Documentaries came as the best way to learn by real-life experience and events.

So here is the list of Top Bitcoin Documentaries that give you better insights about this revolutionary tech.

#1 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin.

If you’re the newbie to the crypto world and trying to catch up with the crypto world then, this documentary is the best fit for you.

This Bitcoin Documentary released 23 April 2014 and written by Daniel Mross, a computer programmer also involved two other Bitcoin enthusiasts Patrick Lope and Nicholas Mross.

The documentary involves many interviews of early adopters and startup builders of Bitcoin such as Bitcoin Foundation’s chief scientist Gavin Andresen, fallen Mt Gox CEO Mark Karpeles and the Winklevoss twins, Charlie Shrem and many others.

Also, it includes the illustration of what is Bitcoin and many controversial incidents during bitcoin’s birth and stages following it.

This documentary still considered as the best documentary made upon Bitcoin illustrating Bitcoin technical jargons in understandable ways and evoking some sort of passion amongst non-bitcoin users towards using bitcoins.

#2 Life On Bitcoin.

As a name indicates, it is the Documentary about living a life only depending upon Bitcoin.

In July 2013 The Utah based newlywed couple Austin & Beccy Craig decided to spend their first 90 days depending only on Bitcoin.

Living only depending upon Bitcoin is not that easy in 2013 because some bad word spreading about Bitcoin at that time, so the couple had to convince many local retailers and merchants to accept Bitcoin and in some cases resorted to travelling quite the distance to find bitcoin-friendly locations to purchase everyday luxuries like petrol.

But this documentary proofs Bitcoin naysayers that in the future Bitcoin will become our daily life part.

The documentary made some buzz and raised $70,000 for Kickstarter, and the newlyweds continued their journey with a world tour to promote the film.

#3 Bitcoin: Beyond The Bubble.

This documentary written and directed by Tim Delmastro uploaded to YouTube in 2018 April.

The documentary includes many interviews of financial experts and crypto enthusiasts along with TV video clips to illustrate what is Bitcoin and how it works its use cases in 35 minutes.

If you have just half an hour of free time, this documentary is worth to watch.

#4 Banking On Bitcoin.

Banking On Bitcoin documentary is a worth to watch documentary for understanding the perspectives of Banks toward the Bitcoin.

The documentary Directed by Christopher Cannucciari released in, 2016.

The main highlight of the documentary is Banking and covers how money involved in centralized systems such as banks and how it may turn fraud, non-functional, ineffective and corrupt.

Not only Banking the documentary also covers the post Bitcoin era of Cypherpunks its main players and incidents like Charlie Shrem facing legal actions, MT. Gox fall.

#5 Magic Money – The Bitcoin Revolution.

As a name shows, this documentary focuses on the revolution brought by Bitcoin to the financial transactions.

This documentary released in 2017, written and directed by the Tim Delmastro featuring Jeff Berwick, Trace Mayer, Tone Vays, Roger Ver.

The documentary mainly focuses on explaining the changes made by the Bitcoin to the financial transactions, also highlighting how Bitcoin work.

It is worth to give a shot documentary for understanding the Bitcoin transactions.

#6 The Bitcoin Gospel.

Bitcoin Gospel documentary that mainly focuses on Bitcoin startups and how Bitcoin changing financial system worldwide.

The documentary released in 2015 directed by Hans Busstra, featuring Andreas Antonopolous, Peter Todd, Roger Ver and many more.

The 48-minute long documentary highlights the 2008 financial crisis how the global economy shattered and shows how Bitcoin better alternative for global cross-border payments which is faster & cheaper.

Also, the documentary walks through mining operations and farms.

#7 The Bitcoin Phenomenon.

If you’re now following crypto world and no idea about how early days of Bitcoin were then this documentary is for you.

Bitcoin Phenomenon Written and Directed by Bhu Shrinivasan released in 2014.

The documentary includes many interviews of notable persons in Bitcoin world like Gavin Andresen, Jeremy Liew, Erik Voorhees and many more.

This documentary digs deep into initial days of Bitcoin by exploring how Satoshi Nakamoto interacted with the world how Bitcoin used and mentioning of controversial incidents that helped Bitcoin.

#8 Ulterior States.

Ulterior States is a documentary filled with interviews of many financial experts and crypto enthusiasts.

The documentary produced by I am satoshi production made by Tomer Kantor released in 2015 featuring Andreas Antonopoulos, Julian Assange, Jessi Baker, Adam Cleary and many more.

Form the above list of documentaries this documentary stands out because it not just a bunch of interviews lined up in it, instead the documentary uses the guerilla-film-making-methods where person allowed to share their real-life experience.

All interviews on the documentary manly focus on how Bitcoin differs from the traditional finance system how it works and some digital currency experiments before the Bitcoin.

#9 Deep Web.

It is not the documantory that explain how Bitcoin work.

The documentary solely focused on the hunting of Ross William Ulbricht, who known as Dread Pirate Robert creator and operator of online black market Silk Road.

Silk Road is the dark market place know for selling drugs in exchange for Bitcoin, so the market place helped Bitcoin to attract more eyeballs.

If you interested how the dark side of web work and how it financed by the Bitcoin or if you’re a fan of Keanu Reeves because he narrated the documentary, you can go ahead and watch it.

The documentary released in 2015 and directed by Alex Winter.

#10 Hash Power.

Hash Power is not a video documentary like above once.

It is an audio documentary presented by the Fidelity Investments and featuring Naval Ravikant, Olaf Carlson-Wee, Fred Ehrsam, Ari Paul and many others.

Hash Power has the 3 different episodes of average 1 hours, and each covers a basic understanding of Blockchain, investing in cryptos and forking.


Ok, the list ends here, and you got the best 10 documentaries to look up to understand Bitcoin.

Now tell me in comments which documentaries you have watched or going to watch next.

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