
What is Multsignature (Multisig) Wallet? Benefits and Drawbacks

The wallet serves as the gateway to the crypto world, granting access to store and transfer cryptocurrencies by generating a signature using a private key, thereby confirming ownership and authorization for transfers.

However, in the ever-expanding realm of cryptocurrencies, where hacking incidents are prevalent, the risk of losing your signature key, and consequently, your crypto holdings, looms large.

To address this challenge, various types of wallets have emerged, each providing an additional layer of security to safeguard your signature key.

Yet, these additional layers are built upon a single signature key, resulting in a single point of failure that can be exploited by hackers through phishing techniques or other means.

Enter the Multisig wallet.

What Exactly Is a Multisig Wallet?

As the name suggests, a Multisig wallet requires more than one signature key to access the crypto wallet.

For example, consider a secure deposit box equipped with two locks and two keys. One key is in your possession, while the other is held by a trusted friend. Both keys are required simultaneously to open the box, ensuring that neither party can access it without the other’s consent.

How Does It Function?

Multisig was first introduced in Bitcoin in 2012 through BIP16 (Bitcoin Improvement Protocol). To implement Multisig, Bitcoin utilizes P2SH script hash and mandates M-of-N keys (e.g., two of three) to authorize a transaction.

In the scenario mentioned earlier, a Multisig wallet necessitates the involvement of two or more users, referred to as copayers, to sign a transaction.

However, the required number of signatures varies, and it can be lower or equal to the number of copayers associated with the wallet.

For instance, in a 4-of-4 Multisig wallet, shared among four individuals, four signatures are required to authorize a transaction. Conversely, in a 2-of-3 setup, three individuals share the signatures, and only two signatures are needed to validate a transaction.

The first Multisig wallet was introduced by BitGo in 2013, and since then, numerous Bitcoin companies have embraced this innovative standard, which has also been applied to various altcoins.

Benefits of Multisig Wallet.

Enhanced Security.

Utilizing a wallet that requires only one private key to authorize transactions opens up various security vulnerabilities, including hacking, theft, or damage.

In contrast, using a multisig wallet ensures that even if one key is compromised, your funds remain secure.

For example, if you create a 2-of-3 multisig wallet and distribute each signature key across different devices or locations (such as mobile, laptop, or tablet), if one device is stolen, the thief won’t be able to access your funds with just one of the three keys.

Escrow Transactions.

Multisig wallets facilitate escrow transactions in the crypto world by allowing third-party involvement in case of disputes between buyers and sellers.

For example, a 2-of-3 multisig wallet enables you and your friend, A, to engage in an escrow transaction, involving a mutually trusted third party, Mr. B, as an arbiter in case of any issues.

In this scenario, you deposit the funds to receive goods or services from friend A, which are then locked up (neither of you can access them individually). If A fulfills the agreement, both of you can use your keys to complete the transaction.

Mr. B, the arbiter, is only required in case of a dispute, where B can use his key to provide a signature to either you or A, based on his judgment.

Decision Making.

In scenarios where big companies or corporations utilize crypto funds and rely on a single key held by one board member to protect funds, vulnerabilities increase significantly.

However, by employing multisig wallets, where each board member gains access to one private key, individual misuse of funds is prevented. Moreover, only decisions agreed upon by the majority of board members are executed.

Doing Lightning Transactions.

Multisig wallets empower lightning-fast transactions, enabling buyers and sellers to conduct multiple crypto transactions with unprecedented speed by locking their funds in a multisig wallet.

While these are significant benefits of using multisig wallets, it’s essential to acknowledge that they may not be ideal in all situations. Let’s explore some major drawbacks.

Drawbacks of Multisig Wallet.

Speed of Transactions.

In a single-key signature wallet, there’s no need to rely on any third party, device, or location to access the wallet and authorize transactions. However, in a multisig wallet, third-party involvement can impact transaction speed.


With Multisig, questions arise: What if one party leaves the group? Or what if you need to adjust the access policy when a new party joins the group? The access structure in Multisig solutions is inherently tied to the address, potentially leading to inflexibility.

Now that we’ve examined what multisig entails, its benefits, and drawbacks, selecting the best multisig wallet provider can be challenging due to the plethora of options available.

To assist you in making an informed choice, here’s a curated list of some of the best multisig wallet providers.


When it comes to prioritizing security and privacy, multisig wallets emerge as the top choice, despite a few minor drawbacks.

Feel free to share any additional points or insights in the comments section. If you’ve had experience using a multisig wallet or plan to do so, share your thoughts in the comments as well.

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